Fruit Infused Ice Cubes & Tone It Up! Arms Workout

I made strawberry and watermelon infused ice cubes that will look perfect for my party tonight! So easy and super chic.

While reading some older posts and watching some Tone It Up! videos, I learned that those girls love Zico and larabar because they always have them in their lunch box giveaways. I was feeling very Cali today after my workout and wanted a light lunch. So I picked up some California rolls and  2 new treats that will make for a great lunch… Pineapple Zico Coconut Water and Coconut Cream Pie larabar.

The pineapple Zico was so good and a perfect recovery drink with 570 mg potassium (more than 1 banana), 5 electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and phosphorus), and with 0 fat/cholesterol/added sugar…. this drink will be my new go-to. Thanks Tone It Up girls for introducing me! And the strawberry/watermelon ice cubes looked super cute in my glass too.

The larabar Coconute Cream Pie bar was a great surprise with only 5 ingredients (and I could say them all!) : dates, unsweetened coconut, almonds, cashews, coconut oil. I need to pick up the whole box next time, because they are incredible.

Today’s Workout: 45 mins cardio + Calves/Quads/Hamstring Weights + Tone It Up! Summer Arms Workout {watch video}


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