You Had Me at Tiffany’s

There is nothing like that feeling of wearing your medal after finishing your race. The sense of pride and accomplishment when feeling the medal around your neck is indescribeable, but then you have to take your medal off eventually. You can’t just wear it around all week… race day maybe, but even going out to eat with it on feels kinda weird.

The Nike Women’s Marathon gives out…. wait for it…. a Tiffany’s Necklace as the finisher “medal.” I can not wait! Served on platters by these guys….

Why yes, this IS the San Franciso Fire Department dressed in tuxedos to present me my medal! Personally, I think it should be my sweet husband dressed in a tux presenting me my medal after all the hours of lost sleep for early morning runs and scheduling our entire weekend plans around my long runs.

These are the previous year’s finisher medals.

Beautiful aren’t they?  I am loving the top left and really hope it looks like that one. I can’t wait to have my own know that I earned it from blood, sweat, and tears while training.

Photo Credit: The Eyes have it and Practically Next Door to the Vaughn 4

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